Tuesday, October 12, 2010

There goes Cloud, but here comes Apple!

I think the cloud trade is over for now but for those of you still looking to place trades on technology, how can you not put some money into the premier name in tech...Apple! The stock is clearly breaking out and with the Streets analyst placing price targets well above $300/share (one just placed a target of $400 recently), its hard not to get involved. I've found some particular interest in the November $330 call strikes. That's ~16% away from where its currently trading at, but I believe that Apple will break $300 before they report next week. I think this could result in a 30-60% move in the option to the upside which is currently trading at $2.90 per contract. Futures are down and tomorrow may provide an excellent entry point to get long Apple options going into earnings. Good luck everyone!

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