Monday, October 18, 2010

BIDU reporting this week 10/21...whats the trade??? Weekly Call Options!!!

I've been watching the weekly calls on BIDU today and the 115 strike looks particularly interesting. It's up above 80% from Fridays close which is spectacular! I'd buy them for $1.80 and hold on to them for the next day or so. If the stock touches $107-$108, They will likely double again and I would take my initial investment off of the table and let the rest ride until they report. This could set up nicely but be careful as the weeklies expire this week! However, its a cheap way to play the earnings this week which have resulted in some 10% plus moves to the upside.

1 comment:

  1. OR, if they double, you could always just take your entire investment off of the table and not participate in the earnings.
