Thursday, September 2, 2010

CRM on FIRE!!!!!! Options still providing opportunity!!!!

Not only is the stock trending drastically higher, the options (naturally) are doing the same (this stock is up over 10% over the past 5 days). Some interesting option strikes to look at are the Sep 125 and Sep 130 CALL strikes. Granted they both are expiring over the next few weeks, I believe that this stock has plenty of room to move higher. Another 6-7% move in the stock over the next few days would result in a healthy increase in premium of these calls (in my opion 50% or more of a profit premium would not be impossible but LIKELY).

Of course the likelihood of the Sep 130 calls increasing over 50% in value is much higher than the 125 strike. For those of you who are conservative in their approach, consider a spread.

An interesting spread to look at is the SEP 120-125 which is going for $1.76. If the CRM closes at or above 125 at expiration (in 2 weeks), you would stand to recover $5 which is over a 100% profit!!!

I also believe that the market is going to trend higher for the next few weeks (due to its drastically oversold conditions) in which case CRM could continue to rally. Is $125/share in the cards for tomorrow? Wouldn't be impossible but I think $122/share is more likely if we get a rally behind the unemployment numbers we're going to get early in the morning.

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